Something you thought would work out didn't, or it didn't work out the way you had hoped. What can you do now? Brainstorm baby! Brainstorm with someone, or lots of someones, whoever you feel comfortable with sharing your challenge. Solution finding works best when we can allow ourselves the freedom of unrestricted limitless thinking. Say and write things that feel dumb, far fetched, silly, unrealistic and magical about how to approach next steps. Think outside the box, waaay outside. Brainstorming stimulates creative ideas and frees our inhibitions about thinking and saying the wrong things. During brainstorming all ideas are just that, an idea, until you choose to put them into action and take the next logical step. How often do you dream about living a better life and discovering what that really means? The details of our lives are different but we have all felt overwhelmed, longing and loneliness from dealing with fast past lives. That is our souls way of getting our attention and saying feed me. Exhaustion, stress, frustration, anxiety, trepidation, fearfulness, chaos, clutter and pain are all there waiting to be brainstormed about. Use them! Pain and all of the ways it shows up in our lives always gets our attention, so use it to your advantage and brainstorm it away. Love, Di
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It’s what we all would like others to be with us, but what does being generous really look like? The kind of generous that makes us feel good, that gives us energy, that reinforces mankind’s good nature with one another and the planet we live on. Offering assistance in some needed or wanted way even if it’s just your perspective, could be the difference for any one of us at any given time. When was the last time someone else’s point of view was able to help bring some clarity toward a decision that you needed to make? Offering your perspective was a way of being generous.
I would like to challenge each of you to come up with some way that you could live generously daily. I want you to look for the moments, when living generously could be called upon, and look for opportunities to see the world through generous eyes. I can barely imagine how big and far reaching this could be and how positively we could affect one another’s lives, simply by holding the spirit of generous living in our hearts and daily actions. ![]() THE GUEST HOUSE This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice. meet them at the door laughing and invite them in. Be grateful for whatever comes. because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. – Jelaluddin Rumi, Translation from The Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks Share this: Can you remember the last time you made a choice or decision that felt absolutely perfect?
How did that choice evolve? Did it come from a loving place, where love in all of its wonder filled ways was the reason for the perfect decision? Did you leave judgement out of it, i.e., not asking yourself is this wise or more brilliant or frugal or even divine? Or what might people think? Was love and nothing but love the reason you made the choice you did? Do you remember how you finally came to your “love choice?” What were some things or events that happened along the way before you chose love as your decision? Maybe something came as a surprise to you, or an ahha moment showed up? What changed for you in the area of family, relationships, work/career, health or finances? Maybe it was all those things that were affected by your love choice? A love choice leaves all other factors behind. It does not weigh odds, keep score, surmise, ascertain or possibility think. It comes as its own perfect quality, where no other options are possible. Do you have a “love choice” story to share? Or, maybe you know someone who does. If so, please share this with them. I would love to read it. I am compiling a book of such stories. Please include your name, address, phone number and whether or not you want all, none, or just your first name attached to your story. Also, by signing this document, electronically or otherwise, you agree, that I may include your story in the book. Please send your story to: Email: [email protected] Mail: Diane Yowell, 6508 Karincrest Dr., Liberty Township, OH 45044 Phone: 513-755-9007 Signature___________________________________________________ Please circle one : All None First name It is with deep appreciation of your life when I say thank you for taking the time to participate in this journey with me. Please feel free to email or call with any questions. I can’t wait to read your stories! Have you ever had one of those conversations with someone where every other sentence is plugged with the phrase "I don't know?" The conversation is all about what's going on in their life and it seems like every time they take a breath the words "I don't know" come out.
What don't they know? Are they struggling to listen to their intuition? Maybe they are listening to what others think about their life, instead of tapping in to what they really feel. Maybe the "I don't know" is a form of reaching out, and they just want someone to say, I'll help you, we'll figure this out together, it will be okay. Whose "I don't know" in your life, could benefit from hearing you say, "it will be okay?" |
Diane YowellI am a professional Life Coach. Coaching can improve the way you live every second of your life. Do it! Archives
March 2019